
April 5th, 2018

More than a hundred students from the Baix Empordà Institute, the Frederic Martí Carreras Institute, the San Jorge School and the Prats de la Carrera Center have participated.

✎ THE MERMAID OF LLAFRANC, de Lorena Augustin
(4t ESO, Prats de la Carrera)


✎ THE BEST JOURNEY, de Xènia Muñoz
(4t ESO, Escola Sant Jordi)


✎ LLAFRANC, d’Alicia Saldarriaga
(4t ESO, Ins. Baix Empordà


✎ LLAFRANC, de Laura Vall
(4t ESO, Ins. Baix Empordà


✎ THE STRANGE CREATURE, de Blanca Quiñonero
(4t ESO, Ins. Frederic Martí Carreras)


✎ SUMMER MEMORIES, de Júlia Freitas
(1r BAT, Ins. Frederic Martí Carreras)